Steve Jobs
Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

Energy sector

saXon provide engineering and project management services to the  oil and gas industry for onshore and offshore projects of brownfield or greenfield nature. The following are some of the services we offer in this sector.

Solar energy

Solar power

The time has come for renewable energy to come into the mainstream and policy makers have started to give a boost to this option in a concrete form.

Offshore structures :: Design, Design review & Certification


saXon provide engineering and project management services to the  oil and gas industry for onshore and offshore projects of  both brownfield & greenfield types. The following are some of the services we offer in this sector.

Design & Fabrication

saXon's strength in structural design is a team of well experienced engineers with expertise in on-shore and offshore structures. Our structural designing team has successfully completed several projects of varying scales and complexities. We can design commercial as well as residential Multi Storied R. C Structure, Steel structures, Concrete Water retaining structure, Post Tension Structures etc. We  can work using any international codes and standards like BS & ACI.

Drawing conversion


conversion1saXon CAD services include drawing Conversion that delivers quality vector CAD output. We translate blueprints, sketches, rough drawings or manually corrected drawings into professionally edited, digitized files. We can convert scanned, sketched, or non-digital drawings to digital CAD files. We provide Raster to Vector solutions to reclaim hand-drawn and 2D microfiche layouts and convert these to vector files. All converted files are manually drafted by our team of architects and engineers to ensure accuracy.