Bill Gates
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Dr. Achuthsankar S. Nair

Head of the Department
Department of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
State Inter-University Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics (SIUCEB)
North Campus - Kariyavattom
University of Kerala
Trivandrum, India.

Dr.Achuthsankar S Nair : A brief Profile 

Prof. Dr. Achuthsankar S. Nair heads the State Inter University Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics, University of Kerala. He had his BTech (Electrical Engineering) from College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram and MTech (Electrical Engineering) from IIT Bombay. He also holds an M.Phil in Computer Speech and Language Processing from the Dept of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK and PhD from University of Kerala.

Since 1987, he has taught in various Engineering Colleges, Universities and Institutes both within India and abroad. During 2001 – 2004 he served as Director of Centre for Development of Imaging Technology, C-DIT, an autonomous techno-creative centre of Govt. of Kerala. In 2006 he was a Visiting Professor in University of Korea, Seoul.

He has authored 10 popular-science books on IT in Malayalam, including one on the internet in 1996 and one on Free software in 2002. His latest book is Data Structures using C publisheds by Printice Hall in 2009.

His current research interests include use of digital signal processing (DSP) in bio-sequence analysis. 10 Candidates have taken PhD under his supervision and he is currently guiding 11 full-time researchers. He has a modest number of research publications in International & Indian Journals. One of his contributions on electro-mechanical model for the Transistor is cited in the classic text book: Hughes's Electrical Technology (7th Edition) published by Orient Longman, UK.

Carnatic classical music tops his hobby list, followed by local history of Thiruvananthapuram in early 19th century. He has published on both the areas. During his tenure as Director, C-DIT, he had led the establishment of the music-rich web site []. He has widely traveled and given talks in hundreds of venues including Universities, a very large number of colleges in Keralam, University of Madras, Indore University, Bharathi Dasan University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, National University of Juridical Sciences, Culcutta and the Madras Music Academy.

He is recipient of Young Scientist Award of Govt. of Kerala (1991), Cambridge Barclay Scholarship (1991), ISTE National Award for Young Engineering Teachers (1994). He is a member of Computer Society of India, IEEE, Indian Society for Technical Education, and International Society for Computational Biology. He is currently a member of the Executive Committee of State Higher Education Council of Govt. of Kerala.

He is passionate about teaching and has been lucky to be mentored by great teachers including his own father Dr. A. Sukumaran Nair and his professor Dr. K.P.P. Pillai and Dr. R.P.R. Nair. One of his current projects is to develop a massive websiteGurusmarana to archive the life and thoughts of past teachers. 


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