Science is nothing but perception.

Mobile computing

Mobile computing

saXon Systems is integrated mobile application development house. initially aiming to serve Middle East, Africa and India, the company was formed in 2008 to provide affordable, high grade solutions.

Time for something new

With over seven years experience building and delivering systems and solutions for a wide range of businesses and organisations throughout the world, our team operates at the forefront of mobile applications.

A better brighter alternative

Combing the power and possibilities of new and emerging communication technologies & devices with our excellent support and service, we can offer you an alternative to the restrictive and costly traditional options. Specifically designed to meet the needs and ambitions of growing businesses in the mid market, our approach is refreshingly different from what you’ve come to expect.

Smart made simple

We love technology and innovation but we won’t confuse you with technology speak. We’re all about being open, honest and keeping things simple – no hidden costs, no tricks – just a fresh outlook from an approachable company, determined to offer our clients a brighter and better kind of solution.

What we do for you

We can offer you a cheaper, superior and smarter alternative sol

ution for your mobile computing requirement.

Solutions tailored for you

Each business, company or organisation has its own unique individual requirements. Therefore, we start each job with an assessment. We can provide a solution that will help you meet your business goals, whether that’s enabling a remote workforce, avoiding redundancy or increasing capacity. Based on your requirements, we can come up with a tailored solution that’s the perfect fit for your need.

An innovative approach

They say there’s nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come. Nowhere does this carry more meaning than in mobile software industry. For too long the status quo has gone unchallenged. The big companies have continued to offer the same rigid solutions, the same poor service and the same high prices, while the smaller re-sellers remain limited by size and service qualiy. Now there is a new option.

Save money

saXon Systems is here to replace the old school with something new. We’re offering the chance to step into the bright light that is the ‘here and now’ of mobile applications. We can save your business or organisation money, while at the same time delivering a superior service.

Fast effective and agile

Because we are team of highly qualified, experienced and committed professionals, we are able to offer a direct resolution to your issue. No waiting, no dead ends, no red tape, no excuses – just fast and effective action from an agile and able software house to give your business what it needs, when it needs it.

Choosing us means choosing an innovative approach. Our knowledge and experience in providing robust solutions and services can make a huge difference to your staff, your clients and your business.

Try us!!!


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