Martin Luther King
Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.

Benefits of a PSIM system

psim Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) products help to solve two problems. They extract the most relevant and interesting data from the deluge of security information sources, including cameras, video analytics, access control event logs, intrusion sensors, HVAC & environmental sensors, fire and other alarms, crime statistics; and PSIM products give us a view into security system usage, performance, regulatory compliance, and general security anomalies previously very difficult to acquire. PSIM systems, designed and optimized to integrate and analyze information from traditional physical security devices and systems and present the necessary data to identify and help resolve the situation in real time. PSIM, is the rapidly growing technology category that marries physical security device management with the automation and reasoning capabilities of computing. A complete PSIM software system provides all the necessary tools for situation management including:

  • Data collection
  • Verification
  • Analysis
  • Resolution
  • Tracking

PSIM technologies and processes enable their users to

  • identify threats, trends and security incidents more quickly/easily (how much      more?)
  • Plan security purchases better
  • Install systems for better integration and information sharing
  • Distribute and analyze surveillance video better
  • Deliver information to the right people at the right time
  • Monitor and manage security systems better
  • Deploy personnel and resources more efficiently (how much more?)
  • Measure success with more accurate, timely and relevant reports

PSIM processes are those that classify and organize security information. Signing up for a daily news feed on the Internet, like Homeland Security Daily Wire is one step in a PSIM process. Another could be working in committee to draft a disaster recovery or building evacuation policy.psim

PSIM technologies are that capture, collect, display and process security information. Command center software is one class within PSIM. Surveillance video management is another. Policy compliance and control is another.

Just consider this incomplete list of PSIM sources to begin to understand the need for organization of security information.

  • Access events
  • Building management systems
  • CCTV images, various formats
  • Compliance reports
  • Crime statistics
  • Digital video recorder logs
  • Electronic fences
  • Environmental sensors (temperature, moisture, etc.)
  • Guard tour observations
  • Identity systems
  • Intrusion sensors
  • Threat assessments
  • Video analytics systems
  • Video displays
  • Vulnerability assessments
  • Weather reports
  • And so on…

Then imagine an organization with many video formats (Mpeg-4, VHS, etc) and multiple access control systems (Software House, Amag) – try to organize that information using Excel spreadsheets!

In the grand scheme of things, physical security technology orbits around identity management and event management. But from the end user’s point of view, both rely utterly on the organization’s ability to capture, assemble and use security information.

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